Saturday, February 2, 2008


That brings my blog recap of our trip to Korea to an end. It was an amazing place to visit and it was a wonderful way for me to spend my first time overseas. Its taken me a while to finish writing up our travels and sorting through the 700 odd pictures, so these last half dozen posts were done since I got back to Melbourne.

Some general musings about Korea before I finish up. It is very different from Australia, yet quite similar in a some ways. Both countries share a strong affection for cars and alcohol.

They have both been strongly influenced by a 'mother nation', England to Australia and China to Korea. But where as Korea was seen as a little brother to China, Australia might be considered England's dodgey criminal cousin.

Since then, both have been strongly influenced by the USA. Since the end of WW2 and apparently even more so since they hosted the Football World Cup, Korea has become very western-ised. This is most evident in the younger generation, where as many of the older generations are quite fixed in their traditions. I think it will be fascinating to see how Korea changes as a country in the next decade or two.

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